Dear Readers,
Okay, fine, we'll come clean. When we said "sexless in the city", we didn't entirely mean 'sexless'. Like we're obviously not having sex at this very moment, but we do have boyfriends. Great boyfriends.
It's just that since we started university in September, things have had to change. Jess has had to learn how to survive in rez, creating culinary masterpieces with only a microwave and a kettle. While Steph has realized that leaving dirty dishes in the sink on her way to class will not change the fact that they are dirty dishes. Yes, they’ll still be there when you get back.
This sexlessness probably has to do with our expectations. We expected university to be amazing. Independence. Drunken toga parties. Late night take out.
In reality... it’s sexless. There are bills to pay, few drunken orgies and Jess is pretty sure that the majority of guys at her school are gay.
Don’t get us wrong, the university lifestyle has it’s perks, but when it comes down to it...
Are expectations only going to hurt you in the end?
Okay, fine, we'll come clean. When we said "sexless in the city", we didn't entirely mean 'sexless'. Like we're obviously not having sex at this very moment, but we do have boyfriends. Great boyfriends.
It's just that since we started university in September, things have had to change. Jess has had to learn how to survive in rez, creating culinary masterpieces with only a microwave and a kettle. While Steph has realized that leaving dirty dishes in the sink on her way to class will not change the fact that they are dirty dishes. Yes, they’ll still be there when you get back.

This sexlessness probably has to do with our expectations. We expected university to be amazing. Independence. Drunken toga parties. Late night take out.
In reality... it’s sexless. There are bills to pay, few drunken orgies and Jess is pretty sure that the majority of guys at her school are gay.
Don’t get us wrong, the university lifestyle has it’s perks, but when it comes down to it...
Are expectations only going to hurt you in the end?
[Sexless in the city is a new blog targetted toward university students – both male and female. Sex. School. Relationships. There are things that we all deal with. Jess and Steph are the main writers, but you will also see some featured articles written by Becky. If you’d like to be a featured writer, email us at]
Labels: introduction sex in the city