2. Boyfriend ditches you for his friends after you specifically took the time to make plans. You have the parts to make him happy (very happy, actually) and yet he’s going to ditch you?! Go ahead, bitch all you want. Video games and drinking over pleasure? His loss.
3. Thanks to Facebook, you’ve just learned that you are currently single and that your boyfriend... Oops... ex-boyfriend is a coward. Asshole.
4. Remember that girl in your residence who told you that you were being “a bit too loud” last night? Well that skank is now stumbling through the halls with a bottle of vodka, groaning “a bit too loud” about how her boyfriend broke up with her.
Fuck hypocrisy.
5. You’re sitting in class when the people sitting in front of you just won’t shut up. I’m sorry, but I don’t need to know about the sexual activities you and John partook in last night. Although congratulations on the multiple orgasms!